Monday, April 5, 2010

April's fools day

well I do not know the history of this day but i have to say I love that day as long as the joke is not on me. in high school, our principal pranked us and he got us all real good. we had to hand it to him because it was perfect. i mean people were pissed and some sorrowful. am in college now so when April fool rolled around this year, i was hoping for a really good prank......on someone of course. so my friends and i were just chatting when it became 12am on April 1st. we decided we wanted to prank people. our first attempt was our friend M. she was afraid of being alone in a room and at that time she was asleep alone in the room. one of my friends painted her face white and smeared some red lipstick on her lips. she also covered herself with a cloth. she looked scary. we all filed into the room. R woke M up screaming that she was seeing someone in the room and the person wasn't moving. M was too sleepy to understand. despite R's screaming, M didn't get scared because she didn't understand what was happening. when she finally did, she knew it was us. Bad joke! we tried to prank E the same way so we just walked into her room and well....she didn't scream but she was a little spooked. we entered another friend's room and one of the girls screamed. it was all very disappointing to us because we hadn't gotten the kind of response we were looking for.
THEN came the master plan. our friend Y had a boyfriend B so we decided to call him and tell him that was throwing up and having stomach pains. we wanted him to panic and come to her room. so we called him,sounding very urgent and a little hysterical, telling him that his girlfriend was ill and needed him. at first he laughed because well it was April fool's day. we kept calling and sounding urgent with Y retching in the background. eventually he took us seriously and came to Y's dorm. As for Y she is a brilliant actress. we decided that when he came outside the dorm, we would shout 'April fool' together but Y decided to stretch the joke a little. she fell on the floor and was crying,'my tummy'. people around started asking what the problem was. we told them she needed to go the clinic.some of them knew it was a joke, others didn't. there was a car packed there so we looked for the owner and asked him to take Y and B to the clinic. we thought Y would end there but oh no she didn't. she allowed the driver take her to the clinic. on the way, the rest of us called B and screamed ' April fool's'. we got him good. the person we got really really good was the driver/owner of the car. till today, he doesn't know that it was all a joke. poor guy.probably thought he was helping out. well we just couldn't tell him because he would have been really pissed and we had never spoken to him before that day.
I'm just happy that despite all the failed attempts, we finally got someone!!!