am going to tell you about my friend because i find her very interesting. she's tall,dark and pretty. she has the most nicknames I have ever heard a person have:triple V(violent.....she beats d crap out of her friends myself included,vain...my she takes hours to do her makeup(which she would never accept), vulgar..ok she's not so vulgar but she is :).she's just really interesting. she's also an irony..she always complains that she's lonely and wants a boyfriend and then when one comes along she rejects him and doesn't care. i kind of understand her there though because i also feel lonely but am not exactly looking for a boyfriend ;) am looking for a best friend that's a guy.lol.oh and one thing she's really good at is ticking me off. gosh she is soooooo annoying aaaarrrggggghhhh!!!!!i feel like screaming some more when i remember how she annoys me but the thing is i still love her.the ONE greatest thing that annoys me about her is that she is as thin and as straight as a pencil(i know i know...that's harsh and all but am just being honest) and she still thinks she's fat.imagine that!she takes cereal in the morning and that's all she will eat for the day.all my roomies are telling her to eat more especially me and she thinks we are disturbing her.she uses the old...i was fat before and i don't want to go back there..phrase.why can't she open her eyes and see. she thinks she's as slim as me but the thing is am bigger than her. she wore my shorts to prove it. my shorts are fitting on me and are like a sac* on her. i have a friend that's really skinny and she's trying to add weight.she doesn't look so skinny anyway..but this my psychologically fat friend's jeans entered her with perfect fitting yet she still wants to lose wait.sometimes i just want to slap her and say wake up and open your eyes.gosh.
whew!!this feels really good to vent out my feelings freely.oh yes something i forgot is that she sleeps a lot..a lot.oh no i don't think you understand me a whole lot. she sets alarms that are so annoying and unpleasant to the ear and it wakes the whole dorm(ok am exaggerating) the whole room except her. why????i really do not know.
ciao amigos,
whew!!this feels really good to vent out my feelings freely.oh yes something i forgot is that she sleeps a lot..a lot.oh no i don't think you understand me a whole lot. she sets alarms that are so annoying and unpleasant to the ear and it wakes the whole dorm(ok am exaggerating) the whole room except her. why????i really do not know.
ciao amigos,
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