i am sure you are thinking this is the usual OMG! rob p is sooo hot or i lovvve twilight and all but you're wrong..very wrong.i am not a hater in fact i love the book.....BOOK..not the movie.if you have ever read a book before you watch the movie, you'll understand my pain at the twilight movie. i heard about the twilight book from a friend when i was in high school. we were in our final year and had just finished our exams so we had nothing to do. at that time everyone was just reading novels and swapping books. if you know me, you'll know how much i love books.i always play the movie in my head as am reading. well the twilight book never got to me in school so i gave up.i came across the book at a friend's house and read it and boy..i was glad i did,it was very very good. i loved it. well this friend of mine also watched the movie and came back thoroughly dis appointed and in tears(ok am exaggerating here).anyway i still wanted to watch the movie to satisfy my curiosity and of course i was hugely disappointed. let me start with the characters.Edward Edward..he disappointed me the most considering that he is the main character.he was supposed to be hot,fine,sexy and all but what do i get..a guy with scattered hair that looks scary(at least we can see he's a vampire).Bella i disliked at first but then i came to understand her. she looks like she is on drugs and has a mental problem but now i understand her.she has been through a lot in her life so ok she can be pardoned.Rosalie i can not forgive.she's supposed to be really hot and look like a goddess so what do i get a very normal looking girl/woman.jasper is on a different level.his eyes are always wide open like if he blinks,the world would disappear. he looks like he is in pain and that i can understand as he can't control his thirst for human blood.(ok i just saw a picture of the guy that's jasper and he's really cute..wow).Alice and Esme were just fine.now my favourite characters:carlisle, Jake and Emmett.Emmett in the book and movie are exactly the same;big, playful and fun.carlisle is hot and calm.and best of all is Jacob. i won't lie and say i don't like him because his hot but because....but i do.well in twilight,he's as dorky and awkward as his character but i can see that he's going to be really hot. the wolf pack included a guy that looked really old like 50 years old.why???oh yeah i also think James is hot.
another thing that keeps annoying me in the movie is how they remove relevant details and put totally irrelevant things.for example, Bella met Edward in her first bios class.then he misses class for the rest of the week.next class he says hi and she questions his absence like they are best of friends and he owes her an explanation. in the book she figured he was a vampire from the story Jake told her.in the movie she found it online as Jake didn't finish his explanation to her at the beach. there are so many others i can't seem to remember now but anyway twilight is over.new moon is now.

i really can not wait for new moon.i don't care if its crap as long as i get to see less of robert pattz though i like edward and more of Jake/taylor.TEAM JACOB!!!anytime.i just saw a picture of the wolves in new moon and they are hot.seriously.
ciao amigos
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